Friday, October 10, 2008


Had an email tonight about somebody researching the goddess Verbaia, to which I replied. She is an ancient Celtic goddess representing water, springs, wells and floods. Many wells at one time were sacred to her. She is an aspect of the Celtic goddess Brigantia, Bride, Brittania, Bridget, and many other names.
I live in a region in the north of England formerly called Brigantia in her honour. The rivers of the region to me belong to Verbaia, particularly when there is flooding. At these times I make an offering to Verbaia, either flowers, or if its in winter, bound grasses, to appease the waters. I like to think that these offerings will help to prevent a death in any way.


Anonymous said...

This is interesting to me. I dont understand how this type of offering (or any) would appease the waters, could you explain why you believe this? I mean, I understand you were raised in this religion, but do you ever question its validity? I hope my question doesnt upset you, I would ask this question of all my religious friends. Sometimes they dont like me asking questions. I hope you are not one of these because I would love to know more.

Joan said...

Love to hear about all your customs and traditions find it all very interesting. More please. Love Joan.

Katja said...

I was actually raised Christian, but from an early age I felt more affinity with the old religion of Britain. I dont think for a moment that just casually throwing a fre flowers in the water would do anything, it is the feeling and the intent behind the action that counts. It is no different to Catholic priests in Sicily holding statues of saints before a lava flow to try to prevent their village being destroyed. In this instance the lava took a different route and their homes were saved.

Dawn Wilson said...

Wow this was very interesting reading! Glad I found your blog. :)